Pix and Video is your one stop shop for everything porn related. This website doesn't focus on any one niche. You get it all. Wanna see hot teen sluts getting fucked? Or maybe just stripping and masturbating? What about toys? Lesbians? Anal? Watersports? This is one exclusive mega-site of porn you don't want to miss.
Main: Let me start off by saying that
Pix and Video is huge. This website has an absolutely mammoth amount of content. And to think that it's all exclusive is just amazing.
Pix and Video launched in December of 2003 and has been going strong ever since, updating every single day without fail. And like the name says, every update has pictures and videos.
As of June 2008, that means
Pix And Video has been updating for about 55 months. That's something like 1600+ updates. Over 1600 videos and more than 1600 picture galleries. How many websites can make that same claim? And of the small few that can, how many can also say that every picture in every gallery, and every second of video, is 100% exclusive? Not very many, I bet.
The updates page is laid out like a calendar. Each day has a different thumbnail image, which is a link to another video and image gallery. There's dropdown menus at the top of the page so you can browse through the months and years, or you can use the previous month/next month links above the calendar. I like that you can see thumbnail images about a month in advance to show you what's coming.
Videos are available as a single file, or broken up into 9 equal pieces. Whether you go for the full-length file or the clips, you get a choice of downloading or streaming the file. The downloadable files are the better option as the quality is much higher. These videos measure 640 x 360 pixels (16:9 widescreen resolution) and are available in MP4 format. In the unlikely event that your media player can't play MP4,
Pix And Video have provided links to the necessary codec files so you shouldn't have any troubles. The streaming videos are in WMV, so issues should be even less likely. Although the resolution is much lower: 400 x 226 pixels encoded at nearly 600kbps. The download is definitely the more attractive option in my opinion. Picture quality is awesome. The shots are crystal clear and the resolution of the images is well above what you'd expect. Pictures are 1280 x 850 pixels in size and every gallery is available as a zip file, which is great for fast offline browsing once you've downloaded it.
It hardly seems necessary, but you'll also receive bonus access to 10 more websites with your membership to
Pix and Video. The sites are Lust For Anal, Lusty Busty Chix, DP Overload, Sex City Asia, Bootyfull Babes, Teen Bitch Club, Intermixed Sluts, Squirting Files, Enslaved Gals and Oral Quickies. But that's not all. For every month you remain a member, you'll get access to another 2 websites. There are currently 46 websites in the network in total, so you'll be getting access to more sites for years to come!
Conclusion: This site is awesome. It's hard to imagine just how much content is available. The archives are huge! And with new updates every single day, this site shows no signs of slowing down. For a general one size fits all, you'll have trouble finding a more suitable membership than
Pix and Video. High quality, great price and heaps of content. What more could you ask for?
$29.95 – First 30 Days (then $24.95 every 30 days after)
$59.95 – First 90 Days (then $54.95 every 90 days after)
$94.95 – 180 Days (non-recurring)
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